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The Tommy Flowers SCITT Curriculum

“This exceptional training programme weaves together theory and practice seamlessly” (Ofsted).

The Tommy Flowers SCITT curriculum is designed around six intertwining curriculum areas that are woven into all core training sessions and throughout your school placement experiences. All the topics are sequenced to build upon fundamental concepts early on, building in complexity to develop to make you the best teacher you can be.


Pedagogy and Planning

This curriculum area covers everything from building talk and questioning in your classroom through to planning sequences of effective lessons. Delve into psychology and find out how children learn, why testing helps improve retention and debate important topics, such as whether ability or mixed-ability groupings work best.

Maintaining High Expectations

Many new teachers are nervous about behaviour, which is why this curriculum area is the focus of our first Intensive Training and Practice week in September. Learn about providing a consistent environment for your pupils, with established routines and firm boundaries, but also warmth, praise and encouragement. Discover how to communicate effectively with parents and build pupils' intrinsic motivation.

Adaptive Teaching

Milton Keynes (and the surrounding areas) are incredibly diverse and this is reflective of our classrooms. To meet the needs of all pupils, you'll learn how to support pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), those learning English as an Additional Language (EAL), those with mental health challenges or gaps in learning. You'll also learn how to challenge the highest attainers to reach their potential through careful adaptations to your teaching.

Assessment of Pupils

"The most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows. Ascertain this and teach him accordingly" (David Ausubel). Knowing what our pupils have learned and retained is crucial to getting the next lesson right. From questioning to marking, testing to feedback, this curriculum area will help you judge the pitch of your lessons and improve pupil progress.

Professional Behaviours and Statutory Responsibilities

This broad curriculum area covers important statutory responsibilities such as Safeguarding and Child Protection, but it also looks at your wellbeing to ensure you are working in a time-efficient manner and are collaborating with your colleagues to get the most out of your training.

Subject and curriculum

The generic principles covered in Curriculum Areas 1-5 are here interpreted within the context of the subject (or for primary, subjects) you are teaching. How does behaviour management look different in the PE hall to a science lab? What is the best way of teaching Macbeth? How should you introduce fractions to Year 3 children? Throughout the year, you'll have subject specific sessions to unpick the best strategies for teaching that subject.