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End Point Assessment

EPA Overview

Apprenticeship End Point Assessment Organisation

The Tommy Flowers SCITT is an independent End Point Assessment (EPA) organisation  for the Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship (ST0490/AP01).  Our unique identifier is EPA0694.

Employers of teaching apprentices have the option to secure our services to conduct the End Point Assessment (EPA) of an apprentice once they have achieved QTS and met the gateway requirements. The EPAO should be selected at least three months prior to meeting the gateway requirements.

To meet the gateway requirements and proceed with the End Point Assessment, apprentices must have:

  • Achieved Level 2 in Maths and English (GCSEs at grade C/4 will meet this criteria. Please note that a GCSE equivalency test does not meet the gateway requirements).
  • Successfully completed a 12 month Initial Teacher Training (ITT) apprenticeship course delivered by an approved provider
  • Obtained Qualified Teacher Status awarded by an accredited ITT provider
  • Be deemed to have ‘occupational competence’ by their employing Headteacher

The apprentice must have also completed a portfolio of evidence (paper, electronic or a hybrid) compiled over the duration of the ITT programme.


Components of the End Point Assessment

End Point Assessments (EPAs) take place in the apprentice’s employing school. There are two components, a lesson observation and a professional discussion.

Lesson observation

The independent EPA assessor from the Tommy Flowers SCITT will observe the apprentice teaching a lesson (between 45 and 60 minutes) with one of their regular classes. The apprentice will produce a lesson plan for the assessor, using their employer’s format.

The lesson observation is followed by a 15 minute professional dialogue about the lesson and the apprentice’s reflections, focusing on Teachers’ Standard 4.

Professional discussion

The professional discussion lasts approximately one hour and  will assess the apprentice’s knowledge, skills and behaviours with regard to the Teachers’ Standards. The professional discussion will be held between the apprentice and a panel, composed of the EPA assessor, a representative from the apprenticeship training provider and a representative from the employer who has been involved in the apprentice’s training and development (such as a mentor or professional tutor). The EPA assessor will assess the content of the professional discussion. The apprentice should bring with them a portfolio of work (electronic or paper based), completed during their Initial Teaching Training. The portfolio will not be assessed but will provide the apprentice with an aid to the professional discussion.



The fees for the initial attempt of the End Point Assessment are agreed by the employing school with the Tommy Flowers SCITT but are paid by the Apprenticeship Provider using the apprenticeship levy funding. There are no fees or costs charged to the employing school or apprentice for the first EPA attempt.

If either component of the apprenticeship is not passed on the initial attempt, the apprentice may take one re-assessment within one and six months of the initial attempt. The fees for the re-assessment are paid by the employing school.

To enquire about the costs for an End Point Assessment, please complete the enquiry form. You will then receive a copy of the employing school partnership agreement and the Tommy Flowers SCITT fees policy. For all other EPA enquiries, please contact us.



Apprentices and their employing schools should select the End Point Assessment Organisation as early as possible in their apprenticeship year and no later than three months prior to meeting the gateway. This allows for the logistical arrangements and required checks to be put in place.

Initial enquiry

The employing school and apprentice complete the initial enquiry form to register their interest in the Tommy Flowers SCITT being the End Point Assessment Organisation.

Partnership Agreement and Fees

The Tommy Flowers SCITT will set a provisional date for the EPA and provide the employing school with a copy of the partnership agreement and fees policy. N.B. The fees for the initial EPA are paid by the apprenticeship provider, not the employing school or apprentice. To proceed, the employing school Headteacher returns the signed partnership agreement.

Confirmation with apprenticeship provider

The Tommy Flowers SCITT confirm arrangements with the apprenticeship provider including the date of the EPA, how fees and paid and who the provider representative will be for the EPA.

Gateway is met

When the apprentice has met the gateway, including being awarded QTS, the employing school Headteacher send the gateway confirmation form to the Tommy Flowers SCITT. This confirms that the EPA will go ahead.

End Point Assessment

The End Point Assessment takes place in the employing school, involving the apprentice, the independent assessor (from the Tommy Flowers SCITT), the employing school’s representative (e.g. mentor) and the apprenticeship provider’s representative.


The outcomes of the EPA are shared with all parties. If the EPA is passed, the apprentice is then sent their Level 6 Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship certificate. If any components require re-assessment, arrangements are made with the employing school and apprentice.
